Recycling & Avoiding Plastic

Tips on Recycling Plastic
  1. First you must know what types of plastics you can throw into your recycling bin. In order to be fully sure, check your city’s website and see what types of plastics they will accept. On average, you can recycle plastics 1 (PET), 2(HDPE), and 5 (PP). Plastics 3 (PVC), 4(LDPE), and 6 (PS) are usually moderately recyclable. Plastic 7(O) is usually not recyclable.
  2. If the plastic contains no symbol, dispose of it. If you incorrectly place a plastic with no symbol or a plastic that is not accepted into the recycling bin, it will contaminate the rest of the plastic. If this happens, the whole plastic stream will not be accepted.
  3. Before recycling, ensure the plastic is clean, dry, and empty.
  4. Avoid recycling plastic bags and foam (#6). #2 and #4 plastic bags can be recycled at participating grocery stores. Ensure that the bags are empty, clean, and dry.

Tips on Avoiding Plastic
  1. Avoid buying items that are packaged and/or overly packaged in plastic. For example, buy detergent in boxes or soaps, lotion, and shampoos in bars.
  2. Use non-plastic containers: use reusable steel bottles or pack lunch in glass, stainless steel, or cloth.
  3. Carry your own containers, utensils, and mugs for take out and leftovers.
  4. Use reusable shopping bags.
  5. Use biodegradable trash bags.
  6. Don't use plastic straws. Purchase a stainless steel or glass straw.
  7. Repurpose the plastic you already have. For example, you can use cups as planters.

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