Friday, January 29, 2016

Environmentally-Friendly Products: Personal Care, Beauty, Cleaning, & Much More

    There are countless ways in which we can be environmentally friendly, such as by using alternative methods of transportation, reducing energy use, reusing and recycling products, saving water, and so much more.
   As I was brainstorming ideas for my next blog post/research topic, I realized something: how can one be environmentally friendly with the products they use?
   Now, this is something that a lot of people don't take into consideration when they are attempting to go green. I myself, do practice using green products. I use organic, natural, and cruelty-free brands: LUSH for beauty products, Method for cleaning, and The Honest Company for both beauty and cleaning products.
    So, for the sake of promoting sustainability in every manner in which I can, I have decided to compile a list of great resources that you can utilize for going green with your products. I mean, what can be greater than using safe, natural products whilst saving the earth????





  1. LUSH (beauty)
  2. Method (cleaning)
  3. The Honest Company (beauty, personal care, cleaning, and more)
  4. Dr.Bronner's (personal care)
  5. J.R Watkins (personal care and cleaning)
  6. Seventh Generation (cleaning)


Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Response to: "It is too late to make an environmental change."

      Surprisingly enough, I have received quite a lot of dubious reactions from people I know regarding my determination in making an environmental change. I have been told that making such efforts would be considered "pointless" because according to them, "it is too late to make a change". I find this idea disappointing on so many different levels. To begin with, it is never "TOO LATE" to make a change. Change, must I say repeatedly if necessary, is POSSIBLE. Change isn't possible when such negative thoughts are believed. We must BELIEVE in order for change to occur.
Yes, I do admit that there are very difficult problems that lay ahead of us: finding proper ways to dispose of trash and remove accumulated litter around the world, finding a sustainable way to essentially run our economy and lifestyles without depleting natural resources, and developing affordable and accessible technology and infrastructure that is sustainable. But, just because the issues are difficult doesn't automatically make the issues impossible to find solutions to. We have seen great examples over history of how "unchangeable" issues were overcome. And what was the power behind these accomplishments? WILL POWER, DETERMINATION, HOPE, AND BELIEF. So many things have been achieved by not patiently waiting aside and hoping that some miracle will occur. People were not threatened by the idea of "we can't fix this". People went OUT and they made A CHANGE, at whatever means were necessary. Take into consideration some of the greatest overcoming of obstacles within our history: the abolition of slavery, the right to vote for races and genders alike, and so much more.
       Ensuring the sustainability of our Earth will not be an easy task, nor will it be solved quickly at that. I say with no hesitation that it will surely be difficult. But I can also surely say it is possible. We must get past negative and doubtful thoughts, and must not doubt or question the capability of the human mind. We are intelligent and I KNOW that we CAN and we WILL make a change. There have  already been several environmental accomplishments, such as the banning of CFLs in aerosol sprays, banning of sewage dumping in oceans, and the banning of the use of plastic bags by many cities. The EPA, which is the Environmental Protection Agency, has been making many changes. The EPA has significantly reduced greenhouse emissions by factories, decreased air pollution by 70%, banned the use of the pesticide DDT, and phased out leaded gas.
      The excuses of "change isn't possible" or "it is too late to make a change" should never be sufficient enough to derail the journey of environmental change. With that being said, make a change.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Addressing Your Concerns

  Why should I get involved?
        We, as inhabitants of our Earth, have a duty in ensuring that our Earth is treated properly and fairly. The reason why we are able to live a life is because of the fact that Earth can sustain life. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that is capable of such a thing. It is for this very reason that we must do all in our power to take care of our Earth and make sure it retains all of its beautiful characteristics. Furthermore, we are not the only ones who call Earth our home. We share Earth with countless of other species, 8.7 million to be approximate. It is only right to protect our Earth to ensure the survival of other species. Besides the ethical and obligatory reasons surrounding why an individual should get involved in environmentalism, there are also the reasons concerning the effects that arise when unsustainable actions are taken. These effects include health risks, economic problems, and even catastrophic events. You may not realize it, but every single action you take will impact the world in some manner. It's your decision of the nature of that impact, whether it's one of positivity or one of negativity.

    If you do not find my persuasion convincing enough, this link might be a useful alternative:

Where do I start?
         Let's face it- there are plentiful environmental problems in the world, and it can be a bit stressful when you are unsure as to where you should begin your activism journey. My best piece of advice would be to first familiarize yourself with the different environmental issues (some of which you can read about right on this blog). From there on, you can make the decision about what issue truly interests you and makes you feel a sense of determination to help. Then, you can read about tips and solutions for that particular environmental issue and see exactly how you can make a difference. You can adjust your involvement according to your liking. You can start off by doing subtle, but essential, tasks. For example, if you are interested in deforestation, you can start by recycling. If you want to, you can take your activism to the next level- on a school or community level. It's all up to you.

Do I have to completely change my lifestyle in order to become an advocate for the environment?
        This is a concern that several people have once they begin their journey in becoming an advocate for whatever cause they are interested in. In fact, I felt this way as well, and found myself overwhelmed and lost. But, there is no need to worry. You must first realize that you can't ask yourself for too much instantly. It would only be stressful and tiring to attempt to completely change your lifestyle immediately. If you truly wish to completely change your lifestyle, it might take you a while to get to that point, specifically because of how demanding it may be. It must be something that is gradually built up and eventually achieved. If this sounds like something you find yourself wishing to achieve, I would recommend starting small and setting goals for bigger things. It's definitely a process, but a worthy one may I mention.
  With that being said, you must first ask yourself whether or not you want to completely change your lifestyle. In my opinion, all that matters is that you are changing and helping the world in some way, whether it's something as simple as turning off your electricity when not in use, or something as demanding as completely giving up plastic. You can still be an advocate for the environment without taking into consideration the level in which you are contributing toward that issue.

"What's the point of me becoming involved? As one person, I won't make a difference."
         I'll say this once, and I will continue to say this if needed: one person can make a difference.
Think about it, you may believe you are the only individual who holds such a belief and consequently  feels as though your hesitation to become involved won't matter, especially because there are countless of other individuals who can compensate for your absence. But, what you maybe don't realize and what you need to acknowledge is that very same notion of "I'm one person. My involvement doesn't matter" is held by so many people. The end result? The end result is a huge loss of participation. And most importantly, a loss of the opportunity for change.
        Also, it's important to realize that on whatever level, your involvement is greatly appreciated and imperative. Your involvement can also serve as motivation for others to do the same.

Monday, January 18, 2016

To New Beginnings of Environmental Activism

Hello everyone!
       My name is Priscilla. A little tad bit of information about me:
- I love writing. I don't have any artistic, musical, or athletic talents, but I do have an intense love of writing. Most of the writing I do is personal, but I absolutely enjoy writing about environmental concerns and inspiring (or so I hope) messages.
- I am an avid Nintendo fan. Although my hectic schedule has forced me to shy away from my video game interests, I love Nintendo games. I've been playing Nintendo since as long as I could remember, and my childhood is filled with memories of Pokemon, Mario, and Kirby.
-I am extremely dedicated to academics and education. Ever since I began my academic journey, I have always found myself having a strong yearning for academic excellence. The reason regarding my commitment to education is because I believe that education is the pathway to change the world. After all, knowledge is power.
-My favorite books are The Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, and Water for Elephants. My favorite shows are Boy Meets World, Scrubs, and Parks & Recreation. Lastly, my favorite movies are I Am, The Warriors, and A Bronx Tale.
-My goals in life are to attend a dream university of mine and to eventually start my own nonprofit.

       Now, considering this blog isn't about me, I shall stop here and proceed to talk about what's truly important: the purpose and meaning of this blog.

            I believe that one of the most important issues that our Earth is plagued by is its destruction as a result of human impact. It is devastating to know that our only home, the only planet that we know of that is capable of sustaining life, and is full of life in so many complex ways, is being destroyed every second. Not only that, but the majority of the population unknowingly contributes to our Earth's deterioration. What we are doing is unsustainable, and not to mention, is soon to become irreversible. We must ensure that we not only save our Earth for the sake of our future generations, but to ensure that all of the other species we share this Earth with can remain.
           I have created this blog in hopes of spreading environmental awareness and informing people of anything environmental related. I hope that people will not only become knowledgable about environmental issues, but will have determination in participating in environmental efforts. I have researched several topics and since compiled them into condensed papers that are easy to follow for those who are unfamiliar. Each research paper, although subtly varying in its structure and organization, provides information about the definition of the environmental concern, its causes, and effects on the environment, human health, and/or animal health. In addition to research papers, I have written tips and solutions for each concern. Some other features you can expect to find on this blog include additional environmental resources, highlighted news, and information about Lincoln for Environmental Activism, a club I started with a friend of mine at my school.
         This blog is a work in progress, especially considering the fact that I have absolutely zero experience with blogs. But, I hope that you find this blog enjoyable, informative, and useful.

-Priscilla xx