Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Response to: "It is too late to make an environmental change."

      Surprisingly enough, I have received quite a lot of dubious reactions from people I know regarding my determination in making an environmental change. I have been told that making such efforts would be considered "pointless" because according to them, "it is too late to make a change". I find this idea disappointing on so many different levels. To begin with, it is never "TOO LATE" to make a change. Change, must I say repeatedly if necessary, is POSSIBLE. Change isn't possible when such negative thoughts are believed. We must BELIEVE in order for change to occur.
Yes, I do admit that there are very difficult problems that lay ahead of us: finding proper ways to dispose of trash and remove accumulated litter around the world, finding a sustainable way to essentially run our economy and lifestyles without depleting natural resources, and developing affordable and accessible technology and infrastructure that is sustainable. But, just because the issues are difficult doesn't automatically make the issues impossible to find solutions to. We have seen great examples over history of how "unchangeable" issues were overcome. And what was the power behind these accomplishments? WILL POWER, DETERMINATION, HOPE, AND BELIEF. So many things have been achieved by not patiently waiting aside and hoping that some miracle will occur. People were not threatened by the idea of "we can't fix this". People went OUT and they made A CHANGE, at whatever means were necessary. Take into consideration some of the greatest overcoming of obstacles within our history: the abolition of slavery, the right to vote for races and genders alike, and so much more.
       Ensuring the sustainability of our Earth will not be an easy task, nor will it be solved quickly at that. I say with no hesitation that it will surely be difficult. But I can also surely say it is possible. We must get past negative and doubtful thoughts, and must not doubt or question the capability of the human mind. We are intelligent and I KNOW that we CAN and we WILL make a change. There have  already been several environmental accomplishments, such as the banning of CFLs in aerosol sprays, banning of sewage dumping in oceans, and the banning of the use of plastic bags by many cities. The EPA, which is the Environmental Protection Agency, has been making many changes. The EPA has significantly reduced greenhouse emissions by factories, decreased air pollution by 70%, banned the use of the pesticide DDT, and phased out leaded gas.
      The excuses of "change isn't possible" or "it is too late to make a change" should never be sufficient enough to derail the journey of environmental change. With that being said, make a change.


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