Sunday, February 28, 2016

What's Recyclable In Los Angeles


It goes without saying that recycling is a great method in which we can ensure the sustainability of our dear Earth. Here are some few reasons as to why we should recycle:

1. Reducing Greenhouse Emissions: When recyclable materials fail to be recycled, the demand for new materials to be created rises. During the process by which new products are created, greenhouses gases are emitted into the atmosphere, which in plentiful amounts, can contribute to climate change and acidification. 
2. Reducing Deforestation: By ensuring that paper and related materials are recycled, the demand for new paper will decrease, which in turn, will decrease the rate by which deforestation occurs. 
3. Reducing Landfills and Waste: If recycled materials are recycled, they will not end up in the wrong area of a landfill. Thus, the waste present in landfills will decrease.

Other reasons include: saving energy, reducing pollution, and protecting wildlife.

So why don't some people recycle?

I think that a lack of recycling is simply a result of an individual not knowing the differences between what they can and can't recycle. The solution? Check your local city/county's website of what materials are accepted. If all else fails, a great website to check materials accepted in your city (If you live in CA) is:

For LA residents specifically:

Recycle on!


Monday, February 8, 2016

What Matters

      Hello everyone!
       I have not posted in a while, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of doing so. Not only has my schedule been hectic, but, I have also had some difficulty in deciding what to write about. Although this is not a specific post, I'd just like to remind everyone of the importance of ensuring the sustainability of our Earth. I have seen so many of those around me contributing, perhaps unknowingly, to several environmental concerns. I see people blatantly throwing away perfectly recyclable materials or irresponsibly using water. Thus, I encourage everyone to inform those who surround them about environmental concerns and ways in which they can make a change. Do one small task a day. Pick up after someone who litters. Take a shorter shower. Encourage someone to recycle. All these small steps truly make a difference and will move us to a more sustainable future.
    Think about how what we do greatly affects our world on so many scales. Think about how other species suffer because of our actions. Think about how we have destroyed our natural environment. Think about our future generations. Think about being a good inhabitant of Earth. We all have the power within us necessary to change our world, at all odds.
    In other words, I'd like to discuss two things. First of all, I wrote this small piece about my backyard, which on the left is surrounded by a view of urban expansion, and on the right, is surrounded by the beauty that is nature.

    "When I climb up the mountain I see two completely different worlds standing on opposite sides from one another. To my left, the expansion of the city of Los Angeles. Buildings occupy every spot in sight, incessant smoke is emitted from local factories, and smog is visible in the sky. Yet to my right, is the vast expansion of nature. The mountain cascades up and down, and trees are perched in a random, yet seemingly destined order. I see nothing but beauty. It’s quite the ironic situation; there’s only a small boundary line, a symbolic one may I mention, that divides the two worlds. The man-made world that disregards nature and mistreats the Earth merely for pleasure and financial gain, and the world that is still, yet selfless and caring in every manner possible."

     I am also excited to announce that I am currently working on a proposal to establish a school-wide recycling program at my school. The actual proposal itself is complete, so I am now just currently receiving signatures for a petition to demonstrate to my school's staff that the students want to make an environmental change. Thus far, it has been rather successful, and many people are enthusiastic about the possibility. If you are a fellow classmate of mine and are interested, feel free to run by me and sign the petition! 
   Hope you are all doing well and are participating in green actions. :)
