Sunday, February 28, 2016

What's Recyclable In Los Angeles


It goes without saying that recycling is a great method in which we can ensure the sustainability of our dear Earth. Here are some few reasons as to why we should recycle:

1. Reducing Greenhouse Emissions: When recyclable materials fail to be recycled, the demand for new materials to be created rises. During the process by which new products are created, greenhouses gases are emitted into the atmosphere, which in plentiful amounts, can contribute to climate change and acidification. 
2. Reducing Deforestation: By ensuring that paper and related materials are recycled, the demand for new paper will decrease, which in turn, will decrease the rate by which deforestation occurs. 
3. Reducing Landfills and Waste: If recycled materials are recycled, they will not end up in the wrong area of a landfill. Thus, the waste present in landfills will decrease.

Other reasons include: saving energy, reducing pollution, and protecting wildlife.

So why don't some people recycle?

I think that a lack of recycling is simply a result of an individual not knowing the differences between what they can and can't recycle. The solution? Check your local city/county's website of what materials are accepted. If all else fails, a great website to check materials accepted in your city (If you live in CA) is:

For LA residents specifically:

Recycle on!


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