We all know the imperativeness of this upcoming presidential election (which is only two days away!!) due to the large division of support between the two primary candidates. But, we must remind ourselves that this election is also important due to the many propositions on the ballot that will greatly determine various policies at the federal, state, and local level. Particularly, there are two propositions on this year's ballot that will drastically affect the environment for California and Los Angeles residents, respectively. Check them out!
Proposition 67: Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags: VOTE YES!!
By voting “YES” ON Prop 67, a ban on single-use plastic bags will be implemented statewide in California. This means that various stores, from liquor stores to pharmacies, will be prohibited by the law from giving out single-use plastic bags to customers.
A large majority of environmental organizations, such as Heal the Bay, hold a strong support for this proposition. I, myself, as a fellow environmentalist also hold such support and believe that we should vote yes on Prop 67. Here are the reasons why:
- Reduce Litter: Plastic bags account for a large amount of litter in California. By placing a ban on plastic bags, we can ensure that the amount of litter caused by plastic bags is greatly reduced, which in turn will help beautify communities (to some extent).
- Reduce Cleanup Costs: With a ban on single-use plastic bags, litter will be reduced, which would also lead to a reduction in cleanup costs. Annually, states spend $52.2 million to cleanup beaches, $151.8 million to cleanup highways, and $99.2 million to cleanup cities and counties. The total estimated cost for the prevention, cleanup, and disposal of plastic and litter is $375.2 million. With a significant reduction in money being directed toward cleanups, California and its taxpayers can feel confident in knowing that their money can go towards other projects such as education.
- Protect our Oceans and Keep Them Clean: Over 80% of plastic from land washes into the ocean. Billions of pounds of plastic now reside in the ocean, accounting for 40% of its surface. Plastic also leads to the further accumulation of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a mass of plastic litter that is twice the size of the state of Texas.
- Protect Wildlife: Plastic, particularly plastic bags, pose a huge threat to our wildlife. Wildlife animals often become entangled in plastic bags and may suffocate and die as a result. Animals also mistake plastic bags as food and consume them. The plastic causes intestinal blockage in the animals who consume it, which in turn, leads to starvation. Over 100,000 animals die annually due to plastic entanglement and indigestion.
- Lack of Recycling: Only 5% of plastic bags are actually recycled. As a result, a higher demand for plastic is created, leading to further greenhouse emissions and energy use by plastic manufactures. By banning single-use plastic bags, we can ensure we are using our resources and energy more sustainably
- Companies Who Oppose This Bill: The reasons why we should place a ban on single-use plastic bags is obviously prominent. The severity of plastic bags is recognized by activists, politicians, scientists, and many citizens alike. However, many plastic corporations are strongly against Prop 67 because its possible passing proves a huge threat to their profits. These companies are lobbying to protect their special, corporate interests, and they show no regard whatsoever for the sustainability of our earth and wildlife. Check out this interesting chart (provided by votersedge.org) regarding contributions from groups/individuals who support or do not support Prop 67.
Our actions can prove to other states and nations the importance of taking sustainable measures
to better protect our environment. The passing of this bill will mean a huge step in our progress to a better tomorrow!
Measure A: VOTE YES!!
Measure A is a Los Angeles bill that will secure funds to keep Los Angeles parks, beaches, rivers, and recreation centers safe and clean for everyone to use. Specifically, it will:
- Protect clean water resources, such as rivers
- Provide safe places for community members to play
- Ensure drinking water at parks and recreation areas is safe to drink
- Remove asbestos, mold, and lead paint from aging recreation centers
- Protect and preserve parks and natural areas
- Keep beaches open, safe, and clean
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