Sunday, November 6, 2016

Environmental Propositions for 2016 Elections

Happy Sunday everyone!

We all know the imperativeness of this upcoming presidential election (which is only two days away!!) due to the large division of support between the two primary candidates. But, we must remind ourselves that this election is also important due to the many propositions on the ballot that will greatly determine various policies at the federal, state, and local level. Particularly, there are two propositions on this year's ballot that will drastically affect the environment for California and Los Angeles residents, respectively. Check them out!

Proposition 67: Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags: VOTE YES!!

By voting “YES” ON Prop 67, a ban on single-use plastic bags will be implemented statewide in California. This means that various stores, from liquor stores to pharmacies, will be prohibited by the law from giving out single-use plastic bags to customers.
A large majority of environmental organizations, such as Heal the Bay, hold a strong support for this proposition. I, myself, as a fellow environmentalist also hold such support and believe that we should vote yes on Prop 67.  Here are the reasons why:

  1. Reduce Litter: Plastic bags account for a large amount of litter in California. By placing a ban on plastic bags, we can ensure that the amount of litter caused by plastic bags is greatly reduced, which in turn will help beautify communities (to some extent).

  1. Reduce Cleanup Costs: With a ban on single-use plastic bags, litter will be reduced, which would also lead to a reduction in cleanup costs. Annually, states spend $52.2 million to cleanup beaches, $151.8 million to cleanup highways, and $99.2 million to cleanup cities and counties. The total estimated cost for the prevention, cleanup, and disposal of plastic and litter is $375.2 million. With a significant reduction in money being directed toward cleanups, California and its taxpayers can feel confident in knowing that their money can go towards other projects such as education.

  1. Protect our Oceans and Keep Them Clean: Over 80% of plastic from land washes into the ocean. Billions of pounds of plastic now reside in the ocean, accounting for 40% of its surface. Plastic also leads to the further accumulation of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a mass of plastic litter that is twice the size of the state of Texas.
  1. Protect Wildlife: Plastic, particularly plastic bags, pose a huge threat to our wildlife. Wildlife animals often become entangled in plastic bags and may suffocate and die as a result. Animals also mistake plastic bags as food and consume them. The plastic causes intestinal blockage in the animals who consume it, which in turn, leads to starvation. Over 100,000 animals die annually due to plastic entanglement and indigestion.

  1. Lack of Recycling: Only 5% of plastic bags are actually recycled. As a result, a higher demand for plastic is created, leading to further greenhouse emissions and energy use by plastic manufactures. By banning single-use plastic bags, we can ensure we are using our resources and energy more sustainably

  1. Companies Who Oppose This Bill: The reasons why we should place a ban on single-use plastic bags is obviously prominent. The severity of plastic bags is  recognized by activists, politicians, scientists, and many citizens alike. However, many plastic corporations are strongly against Prop 67 because its possible passing proves a huge threat to their profits. These companies are lobbying to protect their special, corporate interests, and they show no regard whatsoever for the sustainability of our earth and wildlife. Check out this interesting chart (provided by regarding contributions from groups/individuals who support or do not support Prop 67.
Screen Shot 2016-11-06 at 2.23.36 PM.png

Our actions can prove to other states and nations the importance of taking sustainable measures
to better protect our environment. The passing of this bill will mean a huge step in our progress to a better tomorrow!

Measure A: VOTE YES!!
Measure A is a Los Angeles bill that will secure funds to keep Los Angeles parks, beaches, rivers, and recreation centers safe and clean for everyone to use. Specifically, it will:

  • Protect clean water resources, such as rivers
  • Provide safe places for community members to play
  • Ensure drinking water at parks and recreation areas is safe to drink
  • Remove asbestos, mold, and lead paint from aging recreation centers
  • Protect and preserve parks and natural areas
  • Keep beaches open, safe, and clean

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Effect of the California Drought on Big Bear

Hey everyone!
     So just this past week I went to Big Bear, California as part of a retreat. Although I very much enjoyed the natural and beautiful scenery of Big Bear itself, I was beyond saddened to notice the effect of the California drought on the once-filled and magnificent lake. When I visited Big Bear a few years back, specifically about seven years ago, the lake was seemingly untouched. Blue and overfilled, the lake's expansion was endless. Now, although still large, the lake has drastically dried out, leaving behind sandy areas in which piers sit as sorts of remnants. I decided to take pictures to document this unfortunate occurrence.

*The dry and sandy areas are areas that once used to be overfilled with water and acted as a habitat for many species.

Since I am discussing the devastating impact of the drought, I would like to go ahead and post more pictures (that are not mine) of drying lakes around California.

Although the immediate cause of the drought is beyond our control, we do have the control to limit our water use in addition to preventing further global warming (global warming accelerates the drought). 
For more information about the drought, here is my research paper from my blog:

For more information on how to use water wisely and prevent further global warming:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Littering Short Story

Hello everyone!

It has been quite a while since I have last posted, so I sincerely apologize. I have been lacking creativity lately, and have thus been unable to come up with new ideas to post about. What I will be posting today is a short story I wrote about littering quite some while ago, way before I officially began my journey of environmentalism. Anyway, without further ado, I hope you all enjoy it!

Two teenagers walk on cheerfully, Starbucks cups in their hands. The two of them are rambunctiously talking about the day's events, including qualifying for the Varsity Soccer team. As their conversation continues on, they occasionally sip their cups, eventually finishing its contents and leaving it empty. For an unspecified reason, perhaps out of laziness or the sheer lack of responsibility, the two teenagers carelessly discard of their cups onto the concrete sidewalk. As the cups lay on the floor, the two teenagers continue to walk down the street, as if they were immune to the tragedy that they had just committed.
A few days later, the cups remain in the same area of their disposal. Other teenagers walk on by, completely ignoring their existence, and some even kicking the cups as if littering was an exciting sport. Not one single teenager stops to simply bend down and pick the cup up and properly dispose of it.
One night, heavy, dark clouds slowly move overhead. Thunder roars as rain harshly begins to fall. The cups now begin to violently move as the wind picks up. The cups roll, the sound of their empty contents echoing on into the storm, and soon end up in front of a gutter. With no hope left, due to the initial lack of responsibility from the teenagers and the lack of intervention from all of the other pedestrians, the cups lose their battle and fall into the gutter, where they make the long, arduous journey to the ocean.
In the ocean, a turtle scavenges the water in hopes of finding the day's food to fulfill her hunger. Alas! In front of her she spots a spherical object. She does not recognize the object, but fails to make the observation that it is not suitable for eating or is part of her diet. Nonetheless, she pursues the odd, spherical object. As she chews on the object and attempts to swallow, she begins to panic as she finds herself not only unfamiliar with the taste, but also unable to digest the object. After a few minutes of attempting to reject the object, she fails, and succumbs to not only the object itself, but the effect of human impact. Her lifeless body sinks to the ocean floor, and serves as a reminder of how the "unimportant" action that is littering and the "useless" nature of taking action can be detrimental.

Now, this story isn't real. I made it up myself as I was thinking about the effects that litter has on animals. Although the specific teenagers and the turtle were merely remnants of my imagination, it is imperative that you as the reader realize that this fictional story is essentially a true reality that is happening constantly. The litterers might not be teenagers, but they can be little children, adults, or even you. The affected animal might not be a turtle, but it might be a fish or a dolphin or a seal. No matter the specific conditions, the main point is that every day animals are succumbing to death as a result of our careless, irresponsible actions. Our laziness may seem harmless at a said time, but its final effects can take the life of another living organisms. Please, be aware of what your actions lead to. Properly dispose of your trash. If you see trash that you yourself did not dispose, take responsibility and dispose of it yourself. After all, doing such tiny actions can preserve the life of countless organisms.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Today I wanted to talk about something completely unrelated to environmental justice and action. It's about something that's becoming ever so prominent and affecting everyone. I wrote this at 12:30am, when I was in the quiet depths of my room wondering and trying to figure out why unity is such a difficult concept to achieve. Here it is:

            I've been wanting to post about this for quite some while now, but my loss of words and inability to understand why this is even occurring has prevented me from doing so. It's beyond me that we humans are so infinitely complex and intelligent, and capable of so much, yet we are unable to do something as simple as embrace diversity and accept one another for our individual worth. What's even more beyond me, is that for some odd reason people find sick satisfaction in carrying out malicious and inhumane acts against others who they perceive as different. (Although I ask how one can be "different" when we are all the same.) This may seem contradicting because I'm doing it myself, but we can't just  release our thoughts & feelings on social media & expect that police corruption/brutality and racism are going to miraculously cease to exist. We, specifically the younger generation, must utilize our unlimited potential and become the future leaders of this society. We must be good-hearted and serve as respectful and honest leaders on all different levels, whether it be police enforcement, city government, or even school administration. We must call out on the various injustices that plague our society and create and enforce legislation and policies to combat them. We must create support systems for one another, ensuring that everyone has a safe place to go. We must teach one another about love, compassion, and humanity, and embody these traits in everything that we do. Most importantly, we must spread love and accept one another.  

Monday, July 4, 2016

This Fourth of July...

This Fourth of July...

240 years ago on this day, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, granting birth to the United States of America. As we Americans celebrate this fact, there are some unspoken concerns that we must taken into consideration. This Fourth of July, for the sake of veterans, animals, human safety, and the environment, we should refrain from illegally using fireworks at home. An alternate option that will ensure minimum threat is attending a fireworks display conducted by professionals. But, the best option is to forgo fireworks altogether, and to instead opt for eco-friendly alternatives that do not pose a huge threat to human/animal health and the environment.

Why we should be considerate about using fireworks this Fourth of July:

1. Veterans: Veterans who served in combat often suffer from PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. The loud sounds and bright lights resulting from fireworks severely affect combat veterans suffering from PTSD, as veterans assume the fireworks are gunshots or explosions. Fireworks can trigger PTSD symptoms in combat veterans.

2. Animals: Animals, especially our pet dogs and cats, have keen senses of hearing, meaning they are much more vulnerable to the loud noises created by fireworks. Our pets are very likely to run away in an attempt of finding escape away from the noise of fireworks. Not only do some pets run away, but they are also unfortunately likely to get hit by a car. Wild animals are at great risk of being affected by fireworks as well. Feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety develop in wild animals following exposure to fireworks. Wildlife moms tend to abandon their babies and become too disoriented to find their way back to their babies. Meanwhile, the babies die as a result of the absence of their mothers to take care of and nurture them. In addition, fireworks may startle and disorientate birds, causing them to fly into windows and buildings, and possibly suffer from injury or even death. Scavenging animals may ingest firework debris, putting them at a large risk of death. Here is a complete list of the effects fireworks have on animals, both wild and domestic:

3.  Human Safety: Around 4th of July, firework-related injuries drastically increase. When used irresponsibly, fireworks can cause severe burns and injuries to eyes, ears, arms, and legs. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that around 4th of July, 230 people on average go to the emergency room to treat firework injuries. Children are especially at risk if they are unattended. Here is a list of safety tips:

4. Environment (and Health)  Fireworks have a detrimental effect on the environment, all of which are promoted by means of manufacturing, transporting, and combusting.
  • Manufacturing: In order to create fireworks, raw materials and energy are used. The elements that make up fireworks are obtained through mining, which in itself is dangerous to the environment. Much of the mining actually occurs in the mountains, removing habitats and consequently threatening wildlife.  
  • Transporting: Once fireworks are produced, they are transported around the world to reach consumers. This transportation may occur through planes, trucks, and boats, all of which produce greenhouse gases that increase air pollution.
  • Combusting: When fireworks are combusted, toxic chemicals and pollutants are released that not only affect human health, but the environment as well. Smoke from fireworks contains particulate matter and pollutants. Such pollutants that are released by fireworks are ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and carbon dioxide. These pollutants are widely known to contribute to air pollution and have adverse effects on human health. In addition, when fireworks fallout, bodies of water may become contaminated. Lakes, rivers, and oceans as a result may become polluted. Here is a complete list of the effects caused firework components as provided by :

The Toxic Elements of Fireworks - Pick Your Poison

Toxic Element
Fireworks Usage
Toxic Effect of Fallout Dust and Fumes
brilliant whites
Contact dermatitis, bioaccumulation
Antimony sulfide
glitter effects
Toxic smoke, possible carcinogen
Arsenic compounds
Used as colorants. Sadly still out there. [3]
Toxic ash can cause lung cancer, skin irritation and wart formation.
Barium Nitrate
glittering greens
Poisonous. Fumes can irritate respiratory tract. Possible radioactive fallout. [4]
Copper compounds
Polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans. [5] Can bioaccumulate. Cancer risk.
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) [5]
Use was supposed to be banned globally.
Persistent environmental toxin. Is a carcinogen, mutagen and a reproductive hazard [13].
Lead Dioxide / Nitrate / Chloride
Bioaccumulation, developmental danger for kids & unborn babes, may remain airborne for days, poisonous to plants & animals
Lithium compounds
blazing reds
Toxic and irritating fumes when burned
Mercury (Mercurous chloride)
chlorine donor
Toxic heavy metal. Can bioaccumulate.
Nitric oxide
fireworks byproduct [6]
Toxic by inhalation. Is a free radical
Nitrogen dioxide
fireworks byproduct [6]
Highly toxic by inhalation. SIDS risk [8].
fireworks byproduct [7]
Greenhouse gas that attacks & irritates lungs
Perchlorate -
Ammonium & Potassium
propellant / oxidizer
Can contaminate ground & surface waters, can cause thyroid problems in humans & animals
Potassium Nitrate
in black powder
Toxic dusts, carcinogenic sulfur-coal compounds
Strontium compounds
blazing reds
Can replace calcium in body. Strontium chloride is slightly toxic.
Sulfur Dioxide
gaseous byproduct of sulfur combustion
Acid rain from sulphuric acid affects water sources, vegetation & causes property damage. SIDS risk [8].

We all want to have an enjoyable 4th of July, preferably without fireworks. So here is a list of alternate activities you and your family can enjoy without disturbing veterans, harming wildlife, threatening human safety, or destroying the environment.

  • Attend a laser light show, parade, or block party.
  • Camp out and observe the natural beauty of the night sky.
  • Blow glow-in-the-dark bubbles or pop confetti poppers

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

#2. The Human Experiment

The Human Experiment
(Directed by Dana Nachman and Don Hardy)
(Post by Priscilla Velez)

The Human Experiment.jpg

Chemicals are basically everywhere- they line our plastic bottles, children's toys, furniture, and personal care and beauty products. What’s even scarier about the excessive amount of chemicals that surround our lives is the fact that a majority of these chemicals have not yet been tested for safety, but are still placed onto the shelves of stores in which they are of easy access to clueless consumers.
The Human Experiment is a documentary that covers this prominency of chemicals in our everyday lives. The documentary focuses on stories of individuals themselves who have been affected by chemicals in some way and also focuses on the increasingly difficult battle in taking action against the large chemical companies.
Several medical cases influenced by toxic chemicals found in everyday products are shown throughout the film: a couple who experienced trouble in conceiving and carrying a baby to full term, a healthy-as-can-be athlete who was diagnosed with breast cancer, and a young boy who developed autism. Placed together with these medical cases are unbelievable scary facts about recent exponential increases in illnesses and diseases without probable explanation (which is assumed to be due to chemicals):
  • Since 1975, cancer rates have gone up 30% in both men and women
  • Since 1988, there has been a 49% increase in couples having trouble conceiving and carrying to term
  • In 1999, 1 in 500 kids had autism. As of 2013, 1 in 88 kids has autism.
  • Other increases include: childhood brain cancer, asthma, leukemia, ADHD, early onset puberty, and life-threatening birth defects.

Throughout the documentary, it is clear and apparent the detrimental effect chemicals have on the health and lives of consumers. Scientists and researchers from highly-respected institutions do not hesitate to admit this occurrence. I however, want to focus on a shameful practice that should be brought to attention; one that emphasizes the greed and criminality of corporations and one that could be viewed as a lesson to be applied to environmental action.
In the United States, there is no official law that requires companies to test the chemicals they use in their products prior to marketing them. This means that companies could use chemicals that are carcinogens and/or affect the human on multiple scales including neurological, hormonal, and reproductive (which often is the case) and not have any obligation whatsoever in disclosing any information about the chemicals to potential consumers. The end result is a mass production of dangerous and potentially lethal products that are readily available to consumers. Consumers, in which, put their trust in companies and assume that these products must be safe since they are allowed to be sold. Even worse, consumers use these products and must unknowingly face the dangerous consequences whilst companies happily count their profit.
Companies love the non-existence of a law that would otherwise require them to test their chemicals and possibly hinder the creation of certain products or force them to find alternatives. In fact, companies love the non-existence of law that requires them to test chemicals so much that they do all they can, especially spending millions, to ensure that such a law is never created. Large billionaire companies have repeatedly shut down efforts to establish chemical-testing laws, most efforts in which are organized by politicians, environmentalists, doctors, and activists.
Not only do these companies shut down efforts, but they also make it a routine practice to constantly misinform the public about the safety of their products using deception, distraction, and strategic marketing.
What made me especially fond and liking of this documentary was not only the fact that it truly helped me realize the large scale in which chemicals are threatening our health, but also the fact that it helped me further realize just how destructing and monstrous companies are. As I have mentioned on my blog before, companies have always only cared about making profit, even if it means at the expense of the environment and health and lives of organisms, including human beings. These companies have consistently disregarded ethics and morals because they have allowed capitalistic thinking and ego to get the worst of them.
The thought of this just disgusts me beyond words. It is important, if not CRUCIAL, that we bring ourselves to a state of conscious awakening, and take serious note of the fact that these companies are our worst enemies. These companies, along with money and economy in general, are largely responsible for almost everything that is wrong with the environment or human health. I just truly hope that people divert away from wanting to contribute to such greedy practices and instead partake in activist efforts.

Call to action: Elect government officials who you are certain will advocate for what’s important and exempt from the corruption and greed of companies. Become educated and informed on issues like the chemical industry and raise awareness. Most importantly, do all you can to make a change.